a new petition that will benefit all European citizens

He the main obstacle what drivers face electric cars appears recharge. The ideal is to be able to plug in the vehicle at home using a home charger. Thus, users ensure that they always have a plug to charge the battery more affordable prices compared to the cost of using public chargers.

A solution for those who don’t have one home charger it’s a challenge straight to the plug clear and regulated so that all European citizens, regardless of their place of residence, can charge your electric car. But what does this new request consist of?

The European Federation for Transport and the Environment (T&E) was the organization that raised this request. Your complaint describes it straight to the plug as a clearer and more detailed rules that it is uniformly applied in the countries that are part of the European Union.

There is already a directive on the energy efficiency of buildings, which defines a number of tasks install chargers for electric vehicles in buildings with more than three parking spaces. However, with T&E, they point out that there is spaces in this text, since norm “they are too vague and they lack specific targets to ensure easy and fast access to private charging.”

The problem of recharging a car at home

While the drivers are who they have an electric car and live in single-family houses Installing a charger is very easy, those who live in high-rise buildings can see how the situation becomes more complicated for them. Application of this straight to the plug New rules would help access to car charging also in this property type.

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To accomplish this straight to the plug T&E offers to implement this concept in a clear and simple way in national legislation. Both owners and tenants of apartments in apartment buildings with garages They could install a charging point just in the parking lot with notice simplifying the entire administrative process.

Bi-directional forks for economy

In addition, T&E notes in its guidance that all buildings of this type, new and refurbished, include specific wiring to support recharging of electric vehicles. That is, in the garages of these facilities, the electrical installation must exist before it is imperative that residents who consider this be able to accommodate a home charger.

Other recommendations that complement this offer development of national advance registration strategies all real estate buildings with parking spaces and availability of financing lines to the installation of home chargers in apartment buildings.

Going even further is also recommended The new chargers that are installed are bi-directional. Thus, users could save money and reduce their electricity bill by using off-peak hours electricity prices and the sale of excess electric vehicle battery to the grid during peak hours.

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