Canal Sur had to comply with a court order regarding last night’s news. The regional network was awarded €7,500 in compensation to the worker for restricting her right to strike on March 8, 2022, International Women’s Day.
Before saying goodbye to the news, viewers were able to see the presenter read the decision of the High Court of Andalusia: “We partially support the demand for the protection of fundamental rights formulated by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) against the public company Radio Televisión de Andalucía (RTVA) and its subsidiary Canal Sur Radio y Televisión Sociedad Anónima. With the intervention of the prosecution, we declare that the plaintiff’s right to strike is violated as a result of the foundation. work shift for March 8, 2022, during which Ms. Isabel García, a CGT delegate, exercised her right to strike, and we ordered the defendants to pay non-pecuniary damage to the plaintiff union in the amount of 7,500 euros and proceed to read the order of this judgment in the afternoon program news of Canal Sur Televisión”.
Thus, the judgment handed down by the Supreme Court last October has been complied with, forcing RTVA to read the verdict “in the afternoon news program of Canal Sur Televisión, which is broadcast throughout Andalucía”, and not just in Córdoba like Canal Sur. already done, alleging that it was the province where the plaintiff worked.