Clara and Barbasinha take over the government during Riedel’s leave – Politics


The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly will be the first to take office on December 26

Jacqueline Oliveira | 2023/08/12 08:34

President of Alemsa (Legislative Assembly of Mato Grosso do Sul), Gerson Clarou (PP) during the session (Photo: Assessoria)
President of Alemsa (Legislative Assembly of Mato Grosso do Sul), Gerson Clarou (PP) during the session (Photo: Assessoria)

Vice Governor José Carlos Barbosa (PP) and President of the Legislative Assembly, State Rep. Gerson Claro (PP) will take turns leading the state during the vacation of Governor Eduardo Riedel (PSDB), who will be on vacation from December 26 to January 14.

Gerson will be governor from December to January 1, during which time Barbazinha will also be away from Mato Grosso do Sul. After that, the vice president will take over until Riedel returns to work on the 15th.

This will be Clara’s first time taking on the role of Governor. Yes Campo Grande Newsthe Speaker of the Legislative Assembly said that he had not yet succeeded in creating expectations.

“We received a letter yesterday, I still could not think, but it will be an honor and a matter of pride, but also a very big responsibility, I hope that I can honor the name of my family and do a good job,” said Clara.

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