Coup Conspirator on the dock, artist Hector Villalobos | OPINION

Two years have passed since then coup d’état the most pathetic and strange in history. Two years from December 7, 2022, when the tremors Pedro Castillo He appeared on television to stammer to announce his intention to take over the state’s main institutions. We experienced a storm of news that day. In a matter of hours, everything happened: the announcement of a coup d’état, a failed escape attempt, a vacant seat, imprisonment and the swearing in of his successor.

Twenty-four months later, Castilla He no longer talks about children and chickens. The fable he and his supporters now tell is that of a kidnapped president, a poor victim of a brutal system. In his hallucinatory story, he is not a criminal but a victim of a coup d’état. Unfortunately for him, there are millions of witnesses to the crime he committed: all the Peruvians who saw and heard his message. “He only read a speech,” his defenders repeat ad nauseam. In the tweets that lawyers write on his behalf, this simple defense argument is repeated over and over again.

The oral trial of the putschist and his co-accused should begin in the coming months. The judiciary has not yet set a date. After the change in the composition of the upper chambers in January 2025, we will finally know who will be the magistrate who will preside over the process.

Both Castillo and his former ministers and co-defendants Betsy Chavez, Anibal Torres and Roberto Sánchez are affiliated with parties and continue to be involved in political life. It is interesting that the figures who attacked democracy continue to use it to try to support their activities.

Legal proceedings against Castilla and his associates will be transcendent, not only because of the criminal consequences for those involved, but because it will set a precedent and a warning to all those who attempt to disrupt the constitutional order.

*El Comercio opens its pages to the exchange of ideas and reflections. In this plural form, Diario does not necessarily agree with the opinions of the columnists who subscribe to them, although it always respects them.

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