Using law as a means to private benefit of Pedro Sanchez and on his part it will be one of the most damaging legacies for the rule of law in our country. The legislature began with an amnesty in exchange for the junta’s seven votes to guarantee the president’s continuity in power, and now surrounded by court orders affecting his circle, he is pushing through Congress reform of public prosecution to defeat the cases against him
wife of Begoa Gómez and against his brother David Sánchez, in addition to significantly influencing the development of the cases against José Luis Ballos and the Attorney General.
Referring once again to the perceived need to reduce the influence of the ultras, the PSOE proposes legal changes that free the instrument that, recognized by the Constitution, acts as the highest guarantee of the principle of legality. That means
Public prosecution ensures that any citizen can charge an alleged criminal, even if the prosecutor’s office does not.
and always, obviously, with the support of the judge.
In Spain, where the Ministry of State does not depend on the government and where
The Prosecutor General stands out for his service to the government,
What confidence can there be in making a politically inconvenient accusation?
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