Dino Boluarte | Government | Broken Resource by Mario Saldaña | OPINION

Every time a president, candidate, or politician comes up with a proposal to implement the death penalty for violent crimes (such as those we see these days), the figure of the famous and beloved “Pecos” Ramirez, the Peruvian bar manager in the four stands of the National Stadium, comes to mind. of the stadium in the 80s, which responded amicably to his gestures.

The last character who, overcoming differences (for “Freckle” was much more beloved), seeks to catalyze the emotionality of the masses (indignation and thirst for justice, however) is the president. in Bolwart, with his call to discuss the death penalty for serious crimes.

Knowing that the issue is controversial, but will not have any practical effect, even if it fills column centimeters and minutes of discussions in the media, the head of state throws a bone that everyone will run to while the wave of crime approaches. unrestrained and his Home Secretary continues to refuse to give up the flap despite offering it.

A kind of “flight forward” to avoid the main problem: complete lack of control and inability Govt to offer the country alternatives and results against the rise of criminal violence.

But, at the same time, and behind the distracting spirit Baluartenot only are there constitutional and legal barriers to the application of this figure, but also the fact that internationally the vast majority of countries have eliminated it due to its minimal deterrent effect. It also requires the existence of justice operators (judiciary, government and police) with a certain level of efficiency and reliability.

Today, these institutions, on the one hand, cannot deal with even minor crimes (criminals are released faster than a rooster crows), and at the same time (as we know) they sometimes act draconian when persecuting political enemies. or is it ideological.

Modern criminal law has been built, among other pillars, on the premise that it is important to reduce the number of miscarriages of justice in order to avoid abuse. Our justice system not only lacks guarantees, but is also driven by factors such as political and media pressure and corruption.

So the mere thought of prosecuting people for the death penalty in Peru would be a Kafkaesque exercise.

Better dedicate yourself to doing your job well, President.

*El Comercio opens its pages to the exchange of ideas and reflections. In this plural form, Diario does not necessarily agree with the opinions of the columnists who subscribe to them, although it always respects them.

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