Dino Boluarte | Retouching is not enough to restore credibility, Natale Amprima Pla | OPINION

Much has been said about the issue of the cosmetic surgery that President Dino Baluarte had a year ago between midnight and midnight: there are those who claim that she committed a violation of the constitution, and those who believe – no less than the National Prosecutor – that may be involved in crimes of resignation and inactivity, refusal or delay of functional actions, provided for and punished in articles 380 and 377 of the Criminal Code.

In order to be serious and not enter this race seeking headlines and misinformation, or adopting a defense that borders on paroxysm, we must distinguish between three scenarios: constitutional, criminal and political.

As for the constitution, I have heard many argue that the violation of the Constitution occurred because they did not warn the Congress of the Republic about the surgery. To support their claim, they cite cases of other presidents who have done this even in minor situations, such as former US presidents Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Joe Biden in 1985, 2002, and 2021, respectively.

What those who argue this fail to notice is that our Constitution, unlike that of the United States, contains no obligation on the part of the President of the Republic to give notice that he will be faced with a situation in which he will be unable to exercise his rights and duties. .

Amendment XXV to the United States Constitution, which was ratified on February 10, 1967, does provide this in Section 3; So former US presidents did as described.

As for the criminal issue, not being a specialist in this specialty, but simply reading the classification that the Criminal Code assigns to crimes that are the subject of a preliminary investigation, it seems clear to me that the declared folder is another example of a desperate fiscal desire to show efficiency when it is clear that there will be noise again, but nothing will happen.

The main problem is political. We have a leader who does not seem to know that the most valued thing in politics is his honesty and that when he is in a more important position, for the sake of that honesty, transparency should be at the forefront of his actions.

Mrs. Boluarte is not trustworthy because she is not transparent; He does not tell us the truth, he evades the questions and thus allows all assumptions, however twisted, to seem true. In addition to the fact that her behavior shows little commitment to the respect she should have for the limitations imposed on her by the Constitution, as happened when, as Minister of State, she directed the interests and interfered in the direction of a private association ( Apurímac Departmental Club ), despite the express prohibition contained in Article 126 of our political charter. The big problem – and because of this, a bill on this matter will have to be passed in due course – is that Congress has ignored the issue and minimized its violations.

Not to mention watches and jewelry, where after so many lies, any face would be ashamed… and there is no face retouching that can help restore confidence.

*El Comercio opens its pages to the exchange of ideas and reflections. In this plural form, Diario does not necessarily agree with the opinions of the columnists who subscribe to them, although it always respects them.

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