Entrecanales will not extend the preemption agreement for Acciona securities in 2026

The Entrecanales family, the owner of 55% of Acciona’s share capital through various companies, will not continue the agreement on preferential rights to purchase the company’s shares after the expiration date, which will expire on July 14, 2026.

This was reported to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) by Tussen de Grachten BV, one of the companies based in the Netherlands, through which it exercises 29.02% of its participation. Another firm is Wit Europese Investering (WEI), which owns 26.10% of the group.

“The decision not to extend the agreement quietly, with eighteen months’ notice, does not imply the intention or will of the shareholders bound by the said agreement to lose their stakes,” says the message addressed to the manager.

“On the contrary, Tussen expresses his firm commitment to Acciona’s business project, its alignment with the company’s strategy, and his trust and support for his administrators and management team,” he adds.

Tussen de Grachten, which means “between the canals” in Spanish, is controlled by the Entrecanales Franco family branch, the heirs of former Acciona vice president Juan Entrecanales Azcárate. The company’s current executive vice president is Juan Ignacio Entrecanales Franco.

For its part, WEI is owned by Entrecanales Domecq, the heirs of José María Entrecanales, also a former vice president of the company. José Manuel Entrecanales Damec is the current president and CEO of Acciona.

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