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Pa H. Ignatius Nunez Leyva
Professor of constitutional law
The Professional Footballers’ Union (SIFUP) has announced a strike. One reason for this is the transformative ANFP solution the tournament of the second division in competitions where footballers under 23 years of age can participate.
This measure will act as a kind of positive action for the promotion of spaces young athletes who today would be shelved in the current scheme. All with the aim of updating the projection of domestic football.
For SIFUP, this will affect trade union rights, especially their freedom to work, in addition to the discriminatory act.
Review of constitutional and legal norms, Obviously, the reason lies in football workers. The Constitution makes it clear that age can be a factor in restricting the performance of certain jobs, but only if it is determined by law. Not a private organization.
On the other hand, the Labor Code establishes that age segregation may affect the fundamental rights of workers.
In connection with the above, the Labor Directorate qualified this measure as unconstitutional and illegal in a recent resolution.
This case is a good example that fundamental rights protect goods that must be respected in all spaces, even if it is not popular or there are purposes that make us forget about them.
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