Justice Minister Flavio Dino said the gun buyback program, now classified as limited, would be announced in 2023; the folder now says it is still discussing the budget and timeline
BRAZIL – Ministry of Justice delayed the launch of a firearms buyback program to reduce the arsenal in civilian hands. Although this plan was announced by the minister Flavio Dinowith a promise to start work in 2023, the government has taken the proposal off the radar due to a “lack of demand” and says it is still being determined.
Decrees and orders of the government of Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) to reverse arms policy Jair Bolsonaro (PL) They did not attack weapons already purchased by civilians. The buyback will mainly serve to return equipment that has been reclassified as restricted use and then turn it over to the police.
Government bans civilian use of semi-automatic rifles and removes three-eighths from gray area
The Senate must now confirm Dean as the new minister Federal Supreme Court (STF), as recommended by Lula. The Senate Committee on the Constitution and Judiciary (CCJ) hearing of the presidential nomination is scheduled for next Tuesday, the 13th.
Experts have always been suspicious of the execution of the plan. For gun enthusiasts to feel motivated to sell them to the government, prices must be attractive.
In 2018, there were 117,000 registrations in Brazil CAC (Hunters, Shooters and Gun Collectors). In 2022, the total number of certificates reached 783 thousand. The group grew out of Bolsonaro’s incentives and measures that made the title a “label” for carrying weapons.
After the decree was issued, the National Secretary of Public Security of the Ministry of Justice, Tadev Alencar, said Estadao that the idea has lost its power and is no longer considered an internal priority.
“At the moment, there is still no demand for the return of these weapons. And since the option was to respect those who legally purchased these weapons, there is still no clear requirement as to what the buyback program will ultimately mean, which will obviously depend on citizen initiative,” he said.
The Ministry of Justice contacted again with information on the progress of the plan and said that “details regarding the budget, timeline and profile of priority weapons are being clarified.”