In February 2023 Valentino Ginocchio entered Older brother to accompany his brother Marcos, who would later prove to be the big winner of the last edition. Saltavka entered the most famous house, as well as other relatives of the participants.
However, something special happened to “Valen” and that is that he became as popular and earned the same love as his brother. His presence in reality did not go unnoticed by the audience.
Entering GH changed Valentina’s life. Today, a year later, her present is completely different: she works as a model under representation A multi-talented agency.
But that’s not all, her social media has grown significantly and she felt she had to be more careful when posting content.
On her Instagram account, where she has more than 700,000 followers, she shares beauty routines, makeup and hair tutorials, and runs advertising campaigns.
At the same time, Wallen, trying to increase his spiritual side, decided to start his own podcast: An opportune moment (on Spotify and YouTube). There he shares part of his story, his experiences, reflections and tools that have served him throughout his life.

In a dialogue with ClarionValentina talks about her wonderful present, about the changes she experienced after participating in Big Brother, as well as about her plans for the future.
-Are you going to move, where are you going?
– We have been in Buenos Aires for a little over six months, we came for work and other things. Now our contract is ending and we are going back to Salta with Alex (her French boyfriend) for a while because we really want to travel. We have a travel account (on IG: @donde__van) and we really want to keep growing it. And here in Buenos Aires, we haven’t been able to do much content. For now, this is an idea, but I do not rule out that later I will have to return to Buenos Aires.

– Which destinations do you want to go to?
– We would like to go to Argentina. Our greatest desire is the South. We have already traveled a lot in the North, because I am from there. Alexey’s parents will come now, and we will inform them. We are organizing and looking at what opportunities we have.
– How does a day pass in your life?
– I work out in the morning, I did crossfit until a week ago. In the morning, I energized myself with an hour of exercise. Afterwards, I try to continue meditating, because sometimes you forget, and get ready to start work. I always find something to do with a podcast or content creation that takes up a lot of my time because I’m always trying to cover an interesting topic and it’s quite a creative process. Also, if I’m working with a brand, I’ll define the type of content, what I’m going to do, if I’m going to shoot it at home, if I’m going to shoot it outside…
-How do brands match each other? Have you turned down any offers?
-Sometimes they contact me through Multitalent, and other times through direct communication with me. I always try to make sure that the brand I’m going to work with resonates with the message I want to convey through my social media, that’s the most important thing for me. And yes, I was rejecting brands.

– How did Multitalent appear? It came from Marcos, who also works at the agency…
-Last year, when my brother started working with them, one day he said to me: “Willy wants to meet you” (Garcia Navarro, CEO and director of Multitalent Agency). When the followers came, they told Willy about me, so we met, we talked a lot about what I was doing at the time and what I wanted to do in the future. It was a very pleasant meeting, we were both very happy, and after a few days we started working together.
– Do you define yourself as a model?
-I don’t know…yeah, that’s what I feel and I’d like to keep researching. I recently did a photo shoot for a bikini brand in Salta, which I really enjoyed. I like experimenting with the body, I like photography, so why not?
Valentina Ginocchio and her In Time podcast: her new passion
The same peace, calm and confidence he conveyed when he joined GH is something that comes through in his podcast, which already has five chapters, in which he talks about “inspiration as a driving force”, leads a “relaxation meditation” , reads an intimate diary from years ago, or musings about “those places we once called home.”
“I really like it because it’s a format where I can express myself a bit more than Instagram or Tik Tok, which are very limited. I like to touch on those topics that maybe at some point in my life I had to go through or had to learn something and be able to share it,” says Wallen, proud of her new project, which she does entirely, from recording to editing, at home.
And it continues: “I’m very comfortable doing it, for me it’s a conversation with myself. When I sit down to write this, it’s like a journey into the past, to my experiences, to sad moments, happy… In a way, it’s like a rethinking of my life, where I get what can serve me now and maybe , can help other people too.

– Do you talk about intimate topics, was it difficult for you to open up?
-I talk a lot about this with my psychologist… I like when I can help people by talking about certain topics, but she says to me: “Are you ready to do this?” I also have to think about myself and how it will affect my life. While there is nothing secret or unworldly about it, these are things that happen to us.
– It’s just that it’s still your personal life…
-Yes, totally… Anyway, with all these networks, I’ve learned to accept many things in my life and share them. And in this exchange, I learned a lot, and even the acceptance was stronger. Most of all, on the other hand, I have very good messages that encourage me. So, I feel comfortable with what I’ve shared so far, and I feel like it would be good to keep doing it.
– What did you tell that you were happy to share?
– For example, I have problems with anxiety. I experience a lot of anxiety situations, sometimes I can’t handle the stress or I don’t have the tools at the time I’m going through that situation. I talk about this a lot in therapy with my psychologist. And when I shared it, I said to myself, “Why am I going to share this, which has cost me many uncomfortable situations, many personal questions?”
– And what happened when you did it?
-Many people thanked me and said: “it’s great that you can talk about it.” Or people who told me, “I’m going through the same thing, and listening to you is an indulgence, it’s a respite.” I think in a way the title I gave the podcast, “At the Right Time” is appropriate because sometimes we just need a few words to make us feel better. There have been many times in my life when a person said the right words to me at the right time and changed my day or made me see things from a different perspective.

– Have you been worried for a long time?
– I always had it. I have moments and situations in life that predispose me to more anxiety. Like, for example, in France, not being able to talk, not being able to understand what was said to me at work. As soon as I arrived, I started working in a supermarket and I didn’t understand anything at all, and I came home asking myself, saying that it can’t be me. This increased my anxiety even more. There are times when I’m better, sometimes worse… I think we all go through situations of stress and anxiety in our lives, we just experience it in different ways.
-In one of the episodes of the podcast, you mention that you escaped from Salta because of great pain…
– It’s not that something special happened to me… It’s that in adolescence we accumulated a lot of fear, pain, and I personally, who live very close to the surface, experienced many things that made me to want to experience something new, to change the city, and well, at that moment that was the decision I made.
Reminiscing about his time in Big Brother and analyzing the new edition
“It was a revolution. It was not easy at first, I admit it”admits Valentina, recalling what it was like when she joined GH for a week to support her brother in the final stage.
“Especially because I’m not used to exposing myself, sharing my private life on social networks. In fact, I shared some photos because I like photography, but not so much about my personal life,” she describes of those days in reality where he even competed – and won – against Marcos on a motorcycle.
During those short days in the house, Valentina displayed a calm and compassionate personality that captured the hearts of the program’s subscribers and eventually became a key part of Marcos’ triumph.

-Do you think it was because of the followers Older brother Did it grab your attention that much?
-I ask myself the same question and am guided a bit by the messages I receive. Maybe it was my way of being a little calmer, I think. Also a little bit about meditation, I think that was a big influence. Actually, I was hiding, I didn’t want to be seen meditating… I was a little embarrassed, although it’s terrible to say it, because what’s the shame of wanting to work in one? But I felt it was very necessary. If I didn’t have a meditation device at home, things would be different. I think it helped me a lot.
– What do you mean, it would be different?
– Maybe I didn’t like it. I also use meditation to enjoy myself, to maybe connect a little more to the present moment. Because with this anxiety, what will happen, what happened… My mind goes to another time, but in the present. So meditation forces me to be more grounded in the moment and enjoy things.

– You see this publication Older brother?
– No, I don’t follow her. I only saw it because my brother was there, actually I never saw it. I saw the first program of this new release, the presentation, but I’m not one to watch TV.
– One of the participants is Lucia Maidana from Salta, do you know her?
– I knew. I know her, but because of Salta, we didn’t have a friendly relationship or anything like that.
Your plans for the future
-Besides traveling with Alex, what do you see yourself doing in the coming months?
-I would like to continue networking and growing the podcast, seeing what opportunities I can explore. And last year, in the second semester, I attended an acting workshop. I was already doing theater when I lived in Buenos Aires, but this workshop really changed the way I explore the body and made me want to keep doing it, keep getting tools. The truth is that I’m passionate about it, theater is something I’ve enjoyed since I was a child, so I’d like to continue with that as well. Keep growing the travel account and also open to whatever may happen, I like to adapt and keep learning.

– Do you ever plan to return to live in France?
-The truth is that we would like to go back to France, because I also have a part of my life there: friends, Alex’s family, who is also my family, the city where we lived. The idea was to spend a few months a year in France to be able to enjoy all the people close to us and the rest here in Argentina.