Part-time or part-time work is a widespread option in the Peru and in other countries, especially among young people. This form is preferred by those looking for a job that does not take many hours, which allows them to continue their education and advance their professional development.
In addition, it is a common form of selection of those who enter labor market for the first time. However, since it is a special regimepresents certain limitations, although it also offers benefits that are often overlooked but are important and useful to be aware of.
Do part-time workers have the right to vacation in 2025?
According to the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE) Labor Manual Frequently Asked Questions, workers hired under part-time They are entitled to a minimum leave of six days after completion of one continuous year of service.
The regulation states that to receive this benefit, workers must meet a a minimum of 260 working days per yearprovided their normal day covers six days a week. If the weekly working time is increased to five days, the requirement is reduced to 210 days of effective work in the same period.
In cases where the employee works only four or three days a week, it will be important to show that no more than 10 unjustified absences have accumulated during the working year.
Can I get a bonus and income if I work part-time?
According to Law No. 27735 and its provisions, Supreme Decree No. 005-2002-TR, which regulate the provision of remuneration, there are no provisions that condition the payment of this benefit on a minimum average of four hours of daily work.
Therefore, workers are hired on a part-time basis yes, they are eligible to receive bonuses which corresponds to the months of July and December. Likewise, they are also entitled to share in the profits of their company.
Am I eligible for CTS if I work part-time?
According to the National Labor Inspection Service (Sunafil), workers whose working day is less than four hours a day do not have the right to receive a compensation deposit for the period of service (CTS). For this reason, those who work part-time or part-time, with hours that do not reach this minimum, will not be the beneficiaries of this economic concept.
It should be noted that, as a rule, for Calculation of CTSonly days of effective work are counted. However, the rules make an exception: excused absences due to accidents at work, occupational diseases or duly certified illnesses count as days of effective work, up to a maximum of 60 days per year.
What other benefits does a part-time employee have?
- The salary is proportional to the normal working day at the workplace.
- Mandatory weekly rest of at least 24 consecutive hours.
- Paid leave on national non-working holidays.
- Family allowance in the amount of 10% of the amount RMV.
- Overtime.
- Social health insurance and pension.
- Rights to form trade unions, collective bargaining and strikes.
What is a part-time job?
According to the Department of Labor Policy and Regulations of the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE), an employee is considered part-time or part-time does not exceed four hours a day. This requirement is met even if the day is spread over five or six days per week.