IPVA 2024: Government of São Paulo publishes payment schedule; see dates

Drivers State of Sao Paulo now you can IPVA 2024 payout plan. this week, The state government has released the vehicle property tax payment schedule next year. Deadlines vary depending on the end of the vehicle’s license plate.

When does he start winning?

O IPVA 2024 expires on January 11when taxpayers can pay the tax once and get a 3% discount.

In February, the amount can be paid in full, without a discount. There is also a possibility pay tax in up to five installments (in January, February, March, April and May), according to the end of the vehicle number plate.

Tax in In Sao Paulo it will be possible to pay via PIX, in which the amount will be collected using a QR code valid for 15 minutes. To use this modality, you must enter the IPVA page on the Sefaz-SP (Secretariat of Finance and Planning) portal, enter the vehicle data and generate the code.

Can also be performed payment through an authorized bank network, such as Renavam (National Register of Motor Vehicles), or by credit card in accredited companies.

IPVA Calendar 2024

Cars, trucks, pickups, buses, vans, motorcycles and the like

The moonJanuaryFebruarymarchAprilMay
Portion1st installment or one time installment with discount2nd or one time payment without discount3rd plot4th site5th site
Final 1January 11February 11March 1111/dec.11/May.
Final 2January 12February 12March 1212/dec.12/May.
Final 3January 15February 15March 1515/rev.May 15.
Final 4January 16February 16March 1616/dec.May 16.
Final 5January 17February 1717/March17/Apr.17/May.
Final 6January 18February 18March 1818/Apr.18/May.
Final 7January 19February 19March 1919/Apr.19/May.
Final 8January 22February 22March 2222/Apr.May 22.
Final 9January 23February 23March 2323/Apr.May 23.
Final 0January 24February 24March 2424/Apr.May 24.

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