Legal regulations: they make the law official to speed up family court processes | News

Today, the executive branch published a law to include general principles on family matters in the Civil Code to speed up legal proceedings in this case.

The law published in the Bulletin of Legal Standards of the Official Gazette Peruvianincludes Article 233-A of the Civil Code, Legislative Decree 295, which provides that In family proceedings, the principles of orality, effective legal protection, immediacy, good faith and procedural loyalty, and informality are followed.

“In proceedings related to the rights of children and adolescents, judges are obliged to evaluate the facts and circumstances from a perspective that favors the vulnerability of the person at the stages of childhood and adolescence, guaranteeing the best interests and their rightful participation at all times,” he clarifies.

During the debate on the rule in Congress, the President of the Commission on Human Rights and Justice, Isaac Mita Alanoka (PL), said that in the caseload of 2023, family proceedings will make up 37.8%; while in part 2024, 40% of the total processing load.

He argued that these principles, which will govern family proceedings, will speed up the processing of cases and judicial practice in this matter.



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