Magno Malta criticizes the government for not recognizing Hamas as a terrorist group – Senado Notícias

Senator Magno Malta (PL-ES) in his speech this Monday (11) highlighted the debate at the plenary session, which brought together members of the families of hostages held by the Palestinian group Hamas after the attack on Israel on October 7. This Monday’s meeting was also attended by Jewish leaders and Israel’s ambassador to Brazil, Daniel Zohar Zonshin.

Malta criticized the fact that Brazil did not classify Hamas as a terrorist group.

– Today here, at this plenary meeting, there was a meeting in memory of the dead, maimed, a meeting attended by family members and victims of the criminal attack by Hamas, convened by the President (of the Republic Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva), his ministers and the Brazilian left “resistance movement”. To call a group of terrorists a resistance movement… Terrorists are actually treated very well in Brazil.

Malta recalled the case of Cesare Battisti, accused of terrorism in Italy, who lived in Brazil from 2004 to 2019, when he was extradited to his homeland. In Italy, Battisti admitted his involvement in the murder of four people in 1970.

– On the day of his trial in the Supreme Court, leftists watched. And today the then President of the Supreme Court (Minister Luis Roberto Barroso), who was the terrorist’s lawyer, proved A plus B that he was a good person. What a party they had! (…) Life imprisonment in Italy. He made a statement and admitted the crimes. He burned the children alive, with their families, at home, but… He called them partisans, revolutionaries. But here, the one who prayed the rosary, who held the Bible in his hands on Praça dos Três Poderes, was called a terrorist. “Hamas” respects and reckons with the Brazilian government, he criticized.

Agência Senado (Reproduction permitted if quoted from Agência Senado)

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