The occupations with the largest number of open positions are logistics assistant, production line serving and restaurant attendant
There are currently 15,736 vacancies in the State of São Paulo available through the Worker Assistance Points (PATs) of the State Secretariat for Economic Development.
There are 5,307 positions in the capital city of São Paulo and Greater São Paulo. There are 9,150 available opportunities inland and 1,279 on the coast.
In addition to the metropolitan region of SP, the administrative regions of Campina stand out, with 4,077 vacancies; and Sorokaba from 1558.
This is followed by the regions of Valle do Paraíba with 855 places available; in Arasatuba from 537; and Botucatu with 426 open opportunities.
In total, vacancies are presented in more than 500 specialties. The occupations with the most open positions are Logistics Assistant, Production Line Operator, Diner Attendant, Telemarketing Operator, and Store and Market Attendant.
The Department of Economic Development updates the available opportunity numbers daily.
In addition to jobs, PATs also offer free care and services for workers, such as qualifying for unemployment insurance and issuing work cards.
For more information, you can access the São Paulo government portal, find your nearest worker assistance center or city hall. See all PAT addresses here.
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