Pedro Lins returns to Globo as the new host of “Pequenas Empresas & Grandes Negócios” – Behind the scenes

The entrepreneurship program will be reformulated.

Pedro Lins.  Photo: reproduction / TV Globo

According to the findings of journalist Gabriel Wacker of Folha de São Paulo, Pedro Lins was rehired television Globe and will take over the presentation “Small companies and big business”, which will be reformulated. The new version of the program about entrepreneurship will be broadcast from May 5.

Pedro Lins became known to the public for being the news anchor for Globo in Recife, such as NE1, shown at lunchtime. He left the local broadcaster last March and tried to get back into television through entertainment. The journalist tried to get a seat on “Chega Mais,” which debuted on SBT’s new schedule last month.

Globo intends to give more dynamism to the PEGN format by increasing the number of regional stories, so that Brazilians from different places are increasingly inspired and identify with each other.

“Pequenas Empresas & Grandes Negócios” is shown on Sunday mornings from 7:45. The attraction is currently a success and has an average audience of 8 points in Greater São Paulo.

PEGN final script by Antonio Stotz and produced by Adriano Moraes.

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