The state policy carried out by the mayor of Rolim de Mura (Romania) Aldo Julio has shown positive results. This Thursday (11), the municipality competed with 52 other municipalities in Randonia in eight categories and was the winner in two “Rural Entrepreneurship” and “Productive Inclusion”. The municipality was represented at the event by Edson Bavaresca and Thiago Moreiro, advisor to the Department of Highways and Transport of the State of Rondônia (DER-RO).
For Bavaresco, winning the awards was the culmination of a lot of work by the team of the Municipal Department of Agriculture (SEMAGRI) together with Sebrae. “The project was born from an idea that had to be bought, in this case by the mayor Aldo Julio, financed by the deputy Sirone Deiro through an amendment and implemented by rural producers who believed in great work for the small holdings of Rolim de Moura, valuing their projects even more,” said at the end he.
Thiago Moreira took the opportunity to congratulate the entire team involved in the project. “Congratulations to Mayor Aldo Julio, the Minister of Agriculture, his team and the entire chamber of councilors, who have always supported the development of the municipality, approving all these actions for the benefit of our population,” he stressed.
Mayor Aldo Julio, who was unable to attend due to prior commitments, endorsed SEMAGRI’s tireless work. “This is a goal-oriented team that works around the clock on the development of family farms in our municipality. I cannot help but thank the governor, Colonel Marcos Rocha, who was the true father of Rolim de Moura and helped in all sectors,” he said.
The Sebrae Prefeitura Empreendedora Award is a tool to recognize, evaluate and disseminate innovative initiatives carried out by municipal authorities in the environment of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Through a public tender in February 2023, 19 producers benefited from the project, supplying 40 sows and 4 heads of different breeds. During the distribution of these sows, more than 540 piglets have already been born. The amount of R $ 100 thousand for the implementation of a pilot project on pig farming in the municipality of Rolim de Muro was allocated through the parliamentary amendment of the state deputy Sirone Deiro through the State Secretariat for Agriculture (Seagri).
Source and photo: Assessoria