Use Megapromo Latam to travel in South America. The company has good prices for flights to Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Peru and Colombia. We did our thorough research and found flights to Santiago starting at R$1055.
The price of air tickets to Montevideo starts from 1310 reais, and to Buenos Aires – from 1499 reais. There are also Asuncion, Calama (Atacama Desert), Lima, Bogotá and other cities starting at 1508 reais. See below for all options for destinations, departures and dates.
There are flights to South America by other companies from 820 reais.
Remember Megapromo Latam ends today, enjoy!

– The price list is constantly updated, however prices may change as tickets/packages are sold.
– Melhores Destinos is a journalistic site that only publishes promotions, it does not sell any goods or services. You must buy from the company of your choice, always following the rules for each ticket, package or service.