Square Enix will take legal action to protect employees from toxic fans

Square Enixone of the developers video games the largest in the world, has taken a decisive step in the fight against harassment in the industry game announcing its new “Customer Harassment Policy,” a document that sets out specific measures to protect its staff and employees from abusive behavior by fans.

The policy, updated on January 10, 2025, was in response to a disturbing trend of harassment in this area. video games. Although the Japanese company recognizes the importance feedback users to improve their products and services, drew a clear line between constructive criticism and abusive behavior.

The document describes a wide range of behavior that is considered unacceptable, including violence, abusive language, defamation, sexual harassment, discrimination and unreasonable demands. Consequences for those who violate these rules range from suspension of support services to legal action and criminal prosecution in cases of particularly serious or malicious behavior.

Why are these measures taken?

This initiative is in response to recent incidents that have affected the community Square Enix. In February 2024, Final Fantasy author Kazushige Nojima took to X (formerly Twitter) to express his fear of insults and harsh words from alleged fans. Later that year, the voice actress Final Fantasy XIVSena Brayer, has been the victim of transphobic harassment, including death threats and doxxing attempts.

The problem of harassment in the video game industry has reached alarming levels. According to GDC’s State of the Games Industry 2023 survey, 91% of developers believe harassment by gamers is a significant problem, particularly affecting women and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

This measure Square Enix It joins similar actions by other companies in the sector. In 2023, Bungie was awarded $500,000 in a lawsuit against a player who harassed a community manager, and in 2024, Colossal Order warned of growing toxicity in the Cities: Skylines 2 community, which was referenced PC gamer.

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