The Federal Government is establishing the National Program for the Conversion of Degraded Rangelands – Agora Dorados

government agency

On Wednesday (6/11), the Federal Government established the National Program for the Conversion of Degraded Rangelands to Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Production Systems (PNCPD) and established an Interagency Steering Committee by Executive Order No. 11,815.

The government’s intention is to restore and convert up to 40 million hectares of low-yielding pastures into arable land over ten years, potentially doubling Brazil’s food production area without deforestation, thus avoiding expansion into areas of native vegetation.

For the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Favaro, in addition to sustainable practices, the adoption of these measures guarantees food security and reduces the impact of climate change. “Focusing on production with traceability and sustainability, the proposal aims to intensify food production without promoting deforestation in areas that are already preserved and with methods that do not lead to carbon emissions,” he emphasizes.

The PNCPD will only support enterprises that are registered in the Rural Environmental Register (CAR) and that, within ten years from the date of entry into the Program, reduce their emissions or increase their absorption of greenhouse gases through the use of sustainable methods. from an environmental, social and managerial point of view; do not show an increase in greenhouse gas emissions as a result of land use changes; and which comply, if financed, with the conditions set forth in the rules relating to rural credit approved by the National Monetary Board.

To implement the program, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa), with the support of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), must help attract external resources without the need for a subsidy from the Federal Government to finance the activities carried out within the PNCPD.

During official missions in several countries, Minister Favara has already presented the program and attracted the interest of foreign investors. Investments can be made to improve pastures and livestock intensification, to grow cereals on temporary crops or in integrated systems such as ILPF, to plant forests or introduce agroforestry.

Other details of the program will continue to be determined by the Interagency Steering Committee, which will consist of Mapa, who will direct it; in addition to the Ministries of Environment and Climate Change (MMA); Agricultural Development and Family Farming (MDA); Development, Industry, Trade and Services (MDCI); treasury (MF); and external relations (MRE). They also have representatives from the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB); Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM); National Institute of Space Research (Inpe); Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa); BNDES; two representatives of the agricultural sector; two representatives of the family economy and traditional peoples and communities; and two civil society representatives.

Author: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA)

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