The The PSOE bill silencing judges and popular accusations has a clear purpose: to save Pedro Sanchez’s wife and brother from their criminal charges. The only transitional provision included in this standard provides that the changes it introduces will apply “to processes in place at the time of its entry into force”. Considering that since it is a bill, all procedures for its approval are fast-tracked, this maneuver PSOE may apply to investigations that have ended Begonha GomezSanchez’s brother and the state attorney general are charged.
This Friday, socialists registered in Congress a proposal for an organic law on the “guarantee and protection of fundamental rights” against what PSOE considers the persecution as a result of “abuse of judicial proceedings”. This new rule will limit popular accusations and prevent criminal cases based on press clippings. In addition, if the public prosecutor’s office or private prosecution does not file charges, the criminal proceedings will be archived.
The only transitional provision of this law states that “the amendments made to the Criminal Procedure Law shall apply to proceedings pending at the time of entry into force of this Organic Law.” And when will it come into effect? Since this is a bill, the Socialists have streamlined the entire process, as it does not require them to submit reports to the Chief Judicial Council and the Council of State. So, if we have the support to move forward, this proposal could get the green light from the lower house by the summer.
This means that once Congress approves the text, the judges in charge of the various investigations must review the cases within their jurisdiction. If they concern popular accusations related to political parties, associations of judges and prosecutors or political formations as such, they should be excluded from the investigation.
Translated into current affairs, this new rule will clear corruption cases that besiege the president of the government from popular accusations. His approval would result in the exclusion of Vox from the investigations surrounding Begoña Gomez and the Sanchez brother, or the exclusion of the Association of Professional and Independent Prosecutors (APIF), which is involved in the investigation into the alleged disclosure of the attorney general’s secrets.
If the new rules promoted by the PSOE are approved, the only charge left in the various corruption cases surrounding Sánchez will be the prosecutor’s office, which will have a direct impact on the investigation Begonha Gomez and Attorney General Alvaro Garcia Ortiz. In the case of the wife of the president of the government, the dismissal of the popular accusations will leave everything in the hands of the prosecutor, who has already requested several times to drop the case. Something similar to what happens in the case of García Ortiz: when Public service that he himself manages not to see the composition of the crime, the case would be opened.
Contradictions of PSOE
It should be remembered that if the popular accusation was used in cases unrelated to Pedro Sanchez, The PSOE disagreed. An example of this was c Nóos case, which came to trial in 2010 and in which Iñaki Urdangarin, among others, was prosecuted. Union Clean hands He appeared to request the charge of the Infanta Cristina. At that moment Art PSOE He did not promote any rules to limit the role of mass indictments, as he does now when it concerns the president’s wife or brother. Nor did he reject the popular charge when the PSOE used him in corruption cases that directly affected the PP, such as Gürtel or Púnica.
In addition, the draft law provides for the impossibility of starting criminal cases “on the basis of press clippings without the slightest signs of violations.” Something that has also been used in other cases PSOE for your benefit. So, in March last year, the socialists presented a document to National court in which he submitted a series of press clippings to request the amplification of an article in the Villarejo case, which found audio recordings claiming that the father-in-law Pedro Sanchez He had a bathhouse business. In this case, since the press clippings were intended to investigate alleged espionage against the wife of the Prime Minister, they had value to PSOE.