The Supervisory Commission reiterates the invitation to surgeon Mario Cabani to operate on Dina Baluarte

Congressional Oversight Commission President Juan Burgos repeated the invitation surgeon Mario Cabani Ravelloaccused in the operation of President Dina Baluarte, to take part in an extraordinary meeting of the working group so that she could report to the head of state about the alleged surgical intervention.

The session is scheduled for Tuesday, December 10, starting at 9:00 a.m. in the José Gabriel Condarcanca and Maria Parado de Belida Boardroom, located in the building Victor Raul Haya de la Torre Congress.

in the profession Burgos Oliveras He noted that the surgeon must report the completion of the pre-operative, operative and post-operative evaluation between June 29 and July 10, 2023 to President Dina Boluarte, who is celebrating two years in power this Saturday the 7th.

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He legislator He also clarified this Ravello’s wild boars It must specify the treatment provided and planned, the doctors involved, the recovery period and, above all, whether this period involved a complete medical leave that “caused the inability to perform any work or activity.”

“This invitation is formulated within the control function performed by this commission and aimed at fighting corruption,” the letter says.

It should be noted that the doctor is under the protection of professional secrecy, so he cannot answer the questions of lawmakers. And doctors can break this contract only by a court decision.

The autopsy of Alberto Atarola and the investigation of the prosecutor’s office

The invitation to the surgeon Mario Cabani comes after the former chairman of the Council of Ministers, Alberto Atarolastated that Dino Boluarte underwent surgery in 2023 due to a suspected respiratory problem. “He told me he was going to have a rhinoplasty … a procedure on the nose.”

On December 3, in a speech before the monitoring commission, the ex-head of the Cabinet of Ministers added that during the post-operative process, the president maintained constant communication with him.

Atarola’s statement prompted the National Prosecutor’s Office to open a preliminary investigation against Dina Baluarte on charges of dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty. An investigation will let us know if there is postoperative process stripped Boluarte Zegarro of his presidency, as criminal lawyer Cesar Nakazaki explained.

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