The Bulletin of Legal Standards of the Official Newspaper El Peruano disseminates a number of devices that are of public interest and affect the progress of the country. Find out below which ones are most relevant today, Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
Congress of the Republic
They amend the Civil Code to include general principles of family law. Lei 32228
Act 32228 amends the Civil Code by incorporating Article 233-A, which establishes the basic principles of family proceedings, such as orality, immediacy, effective judicial protection, good faith, and procedural fairness.
Special attention is paid to those cases which affect the rights of children and adolescents, in which priority is given to the best interests of the minor and your right to actively participate in the legal process.
It is also established that Judges must be careful in assessing the facts to the special circumstances of childhood and youth.
The real law amends Article 27 of Legislative Decree 1350which allows Peruvian consular services abroad to issue visas in electronic format in addition to the traditional visas printed in passports. This is an update includes provisions governing temporary visas that allow the temporary entry of aliens whose final destination is another country.
The regulation also states that Ministry of Foreign Affairs implement a progressive computerized system for the issuance of electronic visas, ensuring its integration with existing mechanisms of immigration control.
In addition, it is specified that Temporary visas will have specific periods of staywithout specifying immigration status, and will be issued with national security and public order criteria.
This law changes Consumer Rights Protection Code to optimize warnings about unsafe products and services. The main objective is to ensure that suppliers adequately communicate identified risks using effective and accessible communication channels for consumers.
In addition, the standard establishes creation of the System of notification of consumptionwho will be responsible for National Institute for the Protection of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi) how National Office for the Protection of Consumer Rights.
In this sense, this system will identify, monitor and disseminate information about unforeseen or unpredictable risks that may affect the health, safety or property of consumers, the standard clarifies.

Executive power
Ministry of Culture
The Executive has declared the cultural heritage of the Kullu wantuy nation, a traditional ancestral activity from Kangalla District, Angaras Province, Huancavelica. This collective ritual consists of the carrying of logs for the roof of public buildings, accompanied by songs, the consumption of chichi and coca leaves.
The ceremony reflects the organization and cooperation between the aillus, promoting values such as solidarity and communal work. In addition, it is characterized by symbolic competition between groups.
The standard states that recognition includes duty to ensure its preservation and encourage the participation of younger generations in this cultural manifestation.
Ministry of Labor
““Task Force on Promoting Decent Work and Labor Formalization in Agricultural Supply Chains.” Its main task is to discover problems in formalization and to propose viable solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of agricultural exports.
The table will be composed of representatives of the ministry, business organizations and agrarian unions. It is also established that This table will have a period of six months to issue a final report with specific recommendations.
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