A great turnout for Labor Day
Thousands turned out for the parade as Septemberfest enters its 45th year
Who remembers Fraggle Rock?
It’s Gobo floating down the street from Fraggle Rock!
Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam floated by to support the trades this Labor Day
Fun with floats
The helium shortage did not ground this year’s floats
The tiniest of paradegoers
Big sister made sure to protect this cutie’s ears from all the excitement.
Enjoying the sights and sounds
Children watch and listen as the parade passes by
Here comes the band
The Fort Calhoun Marching Band performed in Monday’s parade
Catching candy
Children jump into the streets to catch candy from parade participants
Smokey the Bear
Monday’s parade featured multiple floats like Smokey the Bear.
Paying tribute
The Honor Guard pays tribute to those who have served in the armed forces
Honor Guard
The Honor Guard led the parade
Sea of red, white, and blue
Thousands fill Omaha for the annual Labor Day parade