viral tick | Colombian businessman shocked by sale of quail eggs in Peru: “It’s very creative” | viral video

A recent experience caught the attention of the Internet. A a tourist from Colombia found himself immersed in a unique adventure in the area of Victory in Peru. Especially on busy streets Gamarra, his curiosity was piqued by a local saleswoman marketing quail eggs. Intrigued, the foreigner approached to learn more about this unusual activity. This original encounter soon became the talk of social media, quickly gaining popularity and becoming a viral phenomenon.

A Colombian was surprised to see a woman selling quail eggs

In it videoshared by @germanmauricioosorio, the Colombian is seen appearing before a businesswoman from Gamara: “Saturnina, I’m Colombian, I have companies in 12 countries, I’ve never seen such a creative endeavor. Quail eggs, right?”said.

After being surprised with business, asked how many eggs cost two soles, what time the merchant arrives and leaves the market, how much wholesale products cost. So, the woman replied that she sells 5 eggs at the asking price, comes at 8.30 to sell and buys rabbits at a very convenient price.

What are users saying on social networks?

After the distribution of Art the material is audiovisual On the Chinese platform, thousands of users took the opportunity to react. Many mentioned that the sale of quail eggs is the most common thing in Peruand others said that Peruvian women are very enterprising.

“The only really healthy snack on the street”, “This business is very common in Peru”, “Quail eggs with salt are sold everywhere in Peru”, “They are very smart in business”, “These women are very fighters, excellent economists-entrepreneurs”, – user comments in social networks.

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